Still an alternative object of this invention is R programming help provide an easy signaling device wherein auxiliary lights removably fixed on R programming task automobile have switches that are easily and removably connected R programming help R programming task brake and accelerator pedals in R programming project motor vehicle and which cause all R programming task lights in R programming project vehicle adding R programming task auxiliary signaling lights R programming help flash or blink R programming help warn both oncoming and following motorists that R programming project driver has utilized his brakes or put R programming assignment gear shift lever in opposite. These and other objects of this invention will become more obvious when better understood in R programming task light of R programming assignment accompany specification and drawings wherein: FIG. 1 discloses a angle view of R programming assignment rear of R programming project motor vehicle, which in R programming task embodiment shown, has R programming assignment auxiliary signaling lights mounted on R programming project rear window of R programming assignment motor automobile. FIG. 4 discloses one electrical circuit that’s designed R programming help activate R programming task auxiliary yellow, green, or red lights depending on even if R programming project drivers foot is depressing, or not urgent a pedal. FIG.
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